To learn the basics of how a blockchain work use the Python code below to create a very basic blockchain in Python.
Import hashlib which is a common interface to many different secure hash and message digest algorithms in Python. For more information about hashlib read here.
First create a blockchain class and name for file This class is responsible for joining the current transaction information and then hashing this information with the previous blocks hash.
Then create a new file called blockchain which imports the contents. Each block has contents that gets hashed with the previous blocks hash.
The simple blockchain creates a genesis block (first block), and then second block and so on. This is a great way to step through the orders of operation of a blockchain and see how the previous block impacts the current block.
Name this file
import hashlib
class block:
def __init__(self, previous_hash, transactions):
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
string_to_hash = ''.join(transactions) + previous_hash
self.block_hash = hashlib.sha256(string_to_hash.encode()).hexdigest()
name this file
from Block import block
blockchain = []
genesis_block = block('this is the first block',['sean sent',
'bryan sent',
'Steve sent'])
second_block = block(genesis_block.block_hash, ['mary sent',
'keira sent'])
third_block = block(genesis_block.block_hash, ['bryan sent',
'fran sent'])