Estimating electrical expenses for the mining warehouse

Every week I would estimate the electrical usage and forecast my expenses for the month. I would measure each rigs electrical consumption and time in operation. I would then determine how many watts were in use and calculate total kilowatts the machines would use for the month.

Below is a sample of GPU miner calculations

RigDescriptionCount of GPUsTotal HashTotal WattsKwattsWatts Per GPUWatts per MH
R1M1RX570’s719193022.32                                 133                            4.87
R1M2RX480’s7188100024                                 143                            5.32
R1M3RX580’s7204111126.664                                 159                            5.45

Below is a sample for Asic miner calculations

RigDescriptionTotal HashTotal WattsKwatts
R4M1S9 14 T 14126730.408
R4M2S9 14 T 14126730.408
R4M3S9 14 T 14126730.408

I would estimate total Kilowatt hours for a 30 day period. My calculations would include all electrical components in the warehouse (miners + fans + lights + etc.).

Then I would apply the total Kilowatt hours to the electric companies sliding scale to determine how much my electric bill would be for the month.

Below is a sample of the sliding scale from the electric company

Total KW Per MonthElectrical CostsScale
                                   3,000.0 $                            0.1159981-3000 kw
                                   6,000.0 $                            0.0711133001-9000 kw

Finally based on crypto currency prices, expenses and mining difficulty I would determine if it was profitable to mine. There were many occasions were I would power off all miners for the day, week, etc until profitability increased.

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