Ethereum GETH Node Configuration in Docker

To get started using Ethereum GETH download and Install GETH from Docker or the GETH home page. On their website you can find download information and links to their help forums. Everything on their site is well documented to help you get started.

Helpful GETH Resources

Starting GETH from Docker

To run GETH in docker one can start with the following commands:

docker run -d --name GETH -v /Users/somefolder/ethereum:/root \
           -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 \

Information about the configuration string above

  • You can add extra flags to the start up script.
  • -d = run in detached mode so the terminal window does not need to stay up on your PC
  • GETH = Container name
  • /users/eth = the directory
  • –rpc = enable rpc requests, so you can connect with web3.js,, etc.
  • --rpcapi defines what APIs are available over RPC
  • Optional --txpool.globalslots= 250000 and --txpool.globalqueue = 50000 increases the number of slots available for the transaction pool. This this is not defined then it will ignore other pending transactions once it reaches the default of 4096.
  • maxpeers =80 = Maximum number of peers to connect your node to
  • console it will open a console where you can run commands in

Other GETH Commands

  • eth.accounts – lists accounts
  • txpool.inspect – shows the transaction pool
  • miner.start() – starts the miner in geth

For a complete list of GETH commands

** Be careful and make sure you read all documentation and you lock down your node * *

** security needs to be a priority**

Next – Make money creating an arbitrage bot running on the Ethereum blockchain

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