ERC20 token Solidity smart contract

Below is a ERC20 token Solidity smart contract that allows you to create your own token on the Ethereum blockchain. The ERC-20 contract introduces a standard for fungible tokens, in other words, the tokens in this contract are exactly the same (in type and value) as another token in the same contract.

The Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) for the ERC20 token standard EIP is located here. The EIP document details a summary, methods and events needed for the contract.

ERC20 contracts can track the quantity of an item in an account on the blockchain. One can track the amount of stocks, bonds, money, baseball cards, collectibles, gaming skins, airline miles, etc. That is why this ERC20 token Solidity smart contract is so interesting.

Read the comments in the code to get an understanding of what the contract does. Experiment with the contract below and learn the basics of a simple ERC20 contract. One can change the token name, amount, symbol, etc. to create your own token. Deploy the contract below to the Ethereum test network using Remix.

pragma solidity ^0.6.7;

interface ERC20 {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint _totalSupply);
    function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint balance);
    function transfer(address _to, uint _value) external returns (bool success);
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) external returns (bool success);
    function approve(address _spender, uint _value) external returns (bool success);
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint remaining);
    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint _value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint _value);


// this is the basics of creating an ERC20 token
//change the name loeker to what ever you would like

contract Loeker is ERC20 {
    string public constant symbol = "LKR";
    string public constant name = "Loeker";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
    //1,000,000+18 zeros
    uint private constant __totalSupply = 1000000000000000000000000;

    //this mapping iw where we store the balances of an address
    mapping (address => uint) private __balanceOf;

    //This is a mapping of a mapping.  This is for the approval function to determine how much an address can spend
    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) private __allowances;

    //the creator of the contract has the total supply and no one can create tokens
    constructor() public {
        __balanceOf[msg.sender] = __totalSupply;

    //constant value that does not change/  returns the amount of initial tokens to display
    function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint _totalSupply) {
        _totalSupply = __totalSupply;

    //returns the balance of a specific address
    function balanceOf(address _addr) public view override returns (uint balance) {
        return __balanceOf[_addr];

    //transfer an amount of tokens to another address.  The transfer needs to be >0 
    //does the msg.sender have enough tokens to forfill the transfer
    //decrease the balance of the sender and increase the balance of the to address
    function transfer(address _to, uint _value) public override returns (bool success) {
        if (_value > 0 && _value <= balanceOf(msg.sender)) {
            __balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
            __balanceOf[_to] += _value;
            emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
            return true;
        return false;

    //this allows someone else (a 3rd party) to transfer from my wallet to someone elses wallet
    //If the 3rd party has an allowance of >0 
    //and the value to transfer is >0 
    //and the allowance is >= the value of the transfer
    //and it is not a contract
    //perform the transfer by increasing the to account and decreasing the from accounts
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) public override returns (bool success) {
        if (__allowances[_from][msg.sender] > 0 &&
            _value >0 &&
            __allowances[_from][msg.sender] >= _value
            //  the to address is not a contract
            && !isContract(_to)) {
            __balanceOf[_from] -= _value;
            __balanceOf[_to] += _value;
            emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
            return true;
        return false;

    //This check is to determine if we are sending to a contract?
    //Is there code at this address?  If the code size is greater then 0 then it is a contract.
    function isContract(address _addr) public view returns (bool) {
        uint codeSize;
        //in line assembly code
        assembly {
            codeSize := extcodesize(_addr)
        // i=s code size > 0  then true
        return codeSize > 0;    

    //allows a spender address to spend a specific amount of value
    function approve(address _spender, uint _value) external override returns (bool success) {
        __allowances[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
        return true;

    //shows how much a spender has the approval to spend to a specific address
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external override view returns (uint remaining) {
        return __allowances[_owner][_spender];

Try it in Remix

This code is for learning and entertainment purposes only. The Solidity smart contract code has not been audited. Use at your own risk. Remember smart contracts are experimental and could contain bugs.

Add a custom image or logo to your token

Click here for more information about how to use the Ethereum test network and how to obtain test ETH.

Next Review – Create a shared wallet smart contract in Solidity

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